Jobs (2013)
cover Jobs

Voto IMDb:
star star star star star star star star star star   5,9/10 (71830 voti)

Regista: Joshua Michael Stern

Cast: Ashton Kutcher (come Steve Jobs), Dermot Mulroney (come Mike Markkula), Josh Gad (come Steve Wozniak), Lukas Haas (come Daniel Kottke), Matthew Modine (come John Sculley)

Paese: USA   Studio: II

Durata: 128 minuti

Genere(i): Biografia, Drammatico

Codec: Unknown   

Lingua: Inglese   



Trama: While living with his adoptive parents, Jobs is working for 'Atari'. He develops a partnership with his friend Steve Wozniak when he sees that Wozniak has built a personal computer (the Apple I). They name their new company 'Apple Computer' and start building Apple I computers. After many failed attempts by Jobs to gain venture capital, Mike Markkula invests in the company which allows them to move forward.

Numero: 116