Al lupo al lupo (1992)
cover Al lupo al lupo

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Regista: Carlo Verdone

Cast: Carlo Verdone (come Gregorio Sagonà), Francesca Neri (come Livia Sagonà), Barry Morse (come Mario Sagonà), Sergio Rubini (come Vanni Sagonà), Loris Palusco (come Rodolfo)

Paese: Italy   Studio: Penta Distribuzione

Durata: 112 minuti

Genere(i): Commedia

Codec: Unknown   

Lingua: Italiano   



Trama: Gregorio, Vanni and Livia are the three sons of a famous sculptor; Vanni is a classical pianist, Gregorio left music academia and now is a DJ with the nickname of 'Dr. Music', Livia lives a double life with a husband and another man: they live separated and rarely meet. When the father disappears, the three try to find him and start to travel through all the places of their family's story and in the meantime they start to truly know each other.

Numero: 254